Friday, November 2, 2007


An interesting example of classical architecture, isn't it? Take a second look between the columns and you'll see the silhouette of three groups of people talking to each other. How unusual! At first, it can be tough to see d shadowy figures in this illusion, bt once your brain figures it out, it has a hard time seeing the columns.

What do you think they are talking about? Do they know they've been obscurely sculpted into a piece of history? I bet not. I wonder how that makes them feel.

The first is the best... is this guys arm sewn back on like Frankenstein? Nope, it's just a nicely done tatoo that is just an illusion, my friends! What a great idea for a tattoo!

I guess everyone is entitled to carrying around some protection, right? Just don't go rob a liquor store!

In nature, we see the butterfly that has large black dots that look like eyes. And Caterpillars and other insects that appear as if their eyes are big and black, but in fact, they are just a distractionary technique to fool hungry predators. This man has taken it to a new extreme... In order for people to stop talking to him he has tatooed a face on the back of his head! I don't think this is just marker ladies and gentelmen!

Hopefully these give you some ideas for creating your own unique tatoo. The kind of tatoo that people will use to start up a conversation with you!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Sure enough, this is a photograph of a dog, lying on a towel or some sort of linens. Awfully tired, the poor doggy has closed his eyes for the afternoon and must be taking a short cat-nap. Or... umm.. dog nap I guess you would all it.

Notice how through years and years of evolution, this dog has learned how to blend in to his surroundings to be camaflauged from his predators - or more likely, just hidden enough to sneak away from the daily chores and take a well deserved nap.

Makes you want to go get one of these little guys, doesn't it? Well, this type of dog is called a Shar-Pei. Why not go adopt one, although they don't stay this cute and cuddly all their life! Alhtough they do make great pets!


Think this couple is expecting a baby?

This is a truly beautiful optical illusion. A couple just relaxing on the shore, looking for what's to come next in their life. Perhaps they are thinking of having a child. Now if only they would look up, they might see exactly what they are looking for.

I think the only problem with this illusion - I assume you've found the baby by now - is that it looks like it is an alien baby, with a sharp horn coming straight out of the back of its head! Okay, I guess it couldn't be perfect, or else we would see the baby right away and it would spoil the surprise.

If you still can't find the baby, you may want to squint your eyes. The outline of the the tree branches are what define the baby - it isn't lifesize in relation to the young couple on the shore.
